Home » Shop » Flour » Bot Banh Khot Vinh Thuan Flour for small pancake (400g)

Bot Banh Khot Vinh Thuan Flour for small pancake (400g)



Vinh Thuan small flour pancakes (bot Banh khot) (400 g) bag. Delicious taste. Huong VI Tuyet Voi. Product of Vietnam.Farine pour les Petites crepes.Mix the flour with 750 ml of coconut juice, put a small package of the saffron flower and onions into small pieces and stir this mixture. Put the mould in the oven to heat, rub the fat in each mould, fill each mould with a small amount of mixture and cover the whole with a lid for 5 minutes. When the small pancake turns yellow, put in a small shrimp or well-kneaded meat between its surface, it was after to be covered more than a minute, small pancakes quite dark, that’s it. Disassemble the little pancakes with a ladle mix, and you can bring them with fish sauce,

Additional information
Weight 400 g

Khoi Luong



SKU: 8934734112031 Category: Tag: